What is a Pip in Forex Trading and How It Works?

This article will explain in detail What is a Pip in Forex Trading and How Does It Works. Understanding the concept of a pip is essential in the world of forex trading. Pip, which stands for “percentage in point,” is a measurement unit used to calculate the smallest movement in currency pairs.

What is a Pip in Forex Trading?

A pip is the smallest incremental movement in a currency pair’s exchange rate. Except for currency pairs involving the Japanese yen, where it is the second decimal place, it is usually the fourth decimal place. Pips are used to calculate profit and loss in Forex trading by measuring the difference in value between two currencies.

How Does a Pip Work?

Calculation of Pip Value

The value of a pip is determined by the size of the position and the exchange rate. To calculate the pip value, the following formula can be used:

Pip Value = (Pip in decimal places / Exchange Rate) x Lot Size

For example, let’s consider the EUR/USD currency pair with an exchange rate of 1.1000. If we are trading a standard lot size of 100,000 units and the pip value is in the fourth decimal place, the calculation would be as follows:

Pip Value = (0.0001 / 1.1000) x 100,000 = $9.09

This means that for every pip movement in the EUR/USD pair, the value of the position will increase or decrease by $9.09.

Understand Pipettes

Some brokers, in addition to pips, use a fractional pip measurement known as a “pipette.” A pipette is one-tenth of a pip, and it allows traders to measure price movements with greater precision. In currency pairs that use pipettes, the fifth decimal place represents a pipette.

For example, moving the EUR/USD pair from 1.10001 to 1.10002 is equivalent to moving one pipette.

Why are Pips Important in Forex Trading?

  • Measuring Price Movements

In forex trading, pips serve as a standardised unit for measuring price movements. Traders can estimate their potential profit or loss for each trade by understanding the value of a pip. It enables precise position sizing, risk management, and the estimation of potential rewards.

  • Profit and Loss Calculation

The profit or loss on a trade is determined by the number of pips moved by the currency pair. A trader who enters a long position on the EUR/USD pair at 1.1000 and exits at 1.1100 has made a 100-pip move. The profit or loss can be calculated using the pip value depending on the size of the position.

FAQs about Pips in Forex Trading

Q1: Can the pip value change?

Yes, The pip value varies according to the currency pair and the exchange rate. Currency pairs with higher values have higher pip values, while currency pairs with lower values have lower pip values.

Q2: How do I calculate the pip value for different lot sizes?

You can use the same formula mentioned earlier to calculate the pip value for different lot sizes: Lot Size x (Pip in decimal places / Exchange Rate).

Q3: Is the concept of pips the same for all currency pairs?

For most currency pairs, the concept of pips remains the same. Currency pairs involving the Japanese yen, on the other hand, have a different pip calculation. The pip is the second decimal place in these pairs.

Q4: Can I make a profit with a small movement of pips?

Yes, Profits can be made with small pips movements, especially when trading with a larger position size. However, it’s important to consider transaction costs and spread when aiming for small pip movements.

Q5: Are pips the only factor to consider when trading Forex?

No, Pips are important in determining profit and loss, but they are not the only factor to consider. Market analysis, risk management, trading strategies, and overall market conditions must all be considered by traders.


For any Forex trader, understanding the concept of pips is essential. Pips serve as the price movement measurement unit, allowing traders to accurately calculate profit and loss. Understanding how pips work and their significance in Forex trading allows traders to manage their positions effectively, calculate potential gains or losses, and make informed trading decisions.